Club News
Roswell Plants First Peace Pole

The first peace pole to be planted in the 2024-2025 Rotary year was installed at The Chattahoochee Nature Center by Roswell Rotarians. The site gets 1000s of visitors annually as it's home to the Butterfly Encounter found along the Wildlife Walk and sits next to a picnic area where groups often stop for a break. The pole was strategically placed to be visible from multiple angles as people walk along the path in the hope that it draws them in to take a closer look. The pole says, "may peace prevail on earth" in English, Hindi, Korean and Spanish. As we planted the first pole, the staff at the Nature Center were already mapping out the location for a second pole close to the special events pavilion. Our club also has plans to place two additional poles in local parks during the course of the year. Find our Peace Pole on the map.

Posted by Nancy Alterman
August 15, 2024


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