DeKalb Rotary Council Breakfast - February 28

Mark your calendar now for the Annual DeKalb Rotary Council breakfast - to be held on Friday, February 28. It's a special day because we honor teachers in the DeKalb County and Decatur school systems, as well as Rotarians with two special awards that remember two special Past District Governors - our own Bill Mulkey and PDG Bob Grant from the Rotary Club of Stone Mountain. Bill and Bob were guiding forces in the DeKalb Rotary Council. Each club in the Council:

  • Selects a Rotarian to receive the Bill Mulkey "Show Rotary Cares" award - someone who displays quality commitment to the club, community or district with a "Show Rotary Cares" attitude supporting all four Rotary areas of service. One Rotarian from each club in the Council is recognized.
  • Nominates a Rotarian for the Bob Grant "You are the Key" award - someone who performed exemplary service to the club, community, district or state, and demonstrated a dedication and quality of service to a project and/or a program where children, youth or adults have received significant benefit.  The Council selects one individual rom among the nominees - the one the Council believes sets an example of leadership, attitude, enthusiasm and commitment to serving others

Let me know if you:

  • plan to attend the event - we need your RSVP by early February so that the club can reserve and pay for breakfasts
  • Want to nominate someone for either of the awards we have described here - the Board will consider all recommendations as we make our 2024-25 choices.
Posted by Louise Barden
January 14, 2025


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